Vegan Gummy Bears



Vegan Gummy Bears
Normal Gummy bears are made with Gelatin which is Ground animal bones Yuck so here is a healthier Recipe that tastes Fantastic

8 tablespoons Agar Agar powder (not flakes, they’re not going to get solid enough!)
4 cups Frozen fruit juice (your favorite flavor!)
(Cascadian Farm has several unsweetened organic juices but you pick your favorite )
Gummy bear mold they sell them in stores and online
or use any candy or cookie mold you wish
I use ice cubes tray cuz im lazy ~ Daw


1. Place the juice in a small sauce pan and thaw.

2. Once thawed dissolve the agar agar into the juice.

3. Place over medium high heat and bring to a simmer.

4. Lower heat to keep at a simmer and stir constantly for 5 minutes.

5. Pour into candy molds or into an 8 x 8 glass baking dish.

6. Cool for 2 hours or until firm.

7. Pop the gummy bears out of the mold or cut with cookie cutters.

8.Do a little dance while singing the gummy bear song and enjoy eating your own gummy bears!

Yes that is all there is to it!!

Tip they last 2 weeks in the fridge! 6 months frozen

5 thoughts on “Vegan Gummy Bears

  1. I have no problems with real gelatin however have many vegetarian friends and would like them to enjoy sweets too so I’m thankful for your reciepe as and will try when I find somewhere that sells agar agar powder in the UK.

  2. Pingback: Ask Umbra: Is it OK to eat gummy bears? | Grist

  3. Hi Cierra,
    I am thinking of making this recipe, but I was wondering how they taste – I am not a vegan, but I do not agree with the ingredients in Yupi’s gummies. Do these vegan gummies taste nice, and are they fairly easy to make?
    Thanks, Ashia


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